(After first recital, Tuesday night, with Don Jorge Acevedo)
Our first real day (Monday) went something like this:
5:30am-Buses and horns blowing
6am-Trains going by outside
6:15am-wide awake
9:30-11:30-Meetings at Cultural Center
11:30-12:30-Recital Run Thru (which included physically moving the piano 3 times to find the right spot so we could both hear our selves..)
2-4pm Master Class @ Univ. of Costa Rica
Here we worked with 3 singers, I had to teach most of the time...
6-8pm Master Class #2 (This is VERY unusual to teach 2 master classes in one day and by this point Melissa and I are DEAD tired. As we still have not recovered from the trip here, nor have we slept much at all)
10:30pm wind down..
The students really tried to apply our suggestions and were for the most part very successful. What made us exhausted (me especially) was the extreme differences as to where the students were vocally and how prepared they were for the classes. Most of the time, I ended up teaching the music to them. I am sure most of them had never sung in a master class and really didn't know what to expect. However, for me...I had to teach almost completely in Spanish...which, as Melissa says, is using a different part of my brain..which is ALSO exhausting.
There were a few gems of students...one tenor in particular that was just stunning.
HONK HONK HONK>..what was that...you want me to wake up AGAIN at 5:30am with the buses and WHAT? the bed is so hard that I can't stand up....WHAT????
Well, Rodrigo took care of the bed problem...they swapped mine out for a very "smooshy mooshy" lovely one...going to try it out tonight...fingers crossed.
Today was a better day, still no sleep...but we had a chance meeting with one of Costa Rica's most important composers, EDDIE MORA http://eddiemora.com/es/index.php
VERY exciting meeting...possible future opportunities...more to come soon ;)
We were then off to Santa Ana...where I had worked all last summer and again in November. Gave a 2 hour master class, met with many of my costa rican musician friends...and gave a recital with Melissa.
(when we arrived, we found out the grand piano had an accident and lost one of the front legs. they had it propped up and 8 men later, the piano was moved and put in place for the recital. (Note Photo above, lovely poster created for the tour)
After dinner..back to hotel...2 advil pm's later...still not asleep...it is now 1:30am...
Another master class and recital tomorrow...this time it is earlier in the day...might be forced to drink a few glasses of wine with dinner tomorrow to FORCE myself to go to bed.
More news to come tomorrow...wish us luck :)
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